

  • 13
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:外资企业
  • 公司地址: 北京市 朝阳区 朝阳区双桥东路甲10号楼1单元503B
  • 姓名: 周红杰
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证已认证 微信已绑定


    Radial SB-5W DI盒批发零售

  • 所属行业:广电 专业音响设备
  • 发布日期:2025-02-22
  • 阅读量:175
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:100.00 只
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:北京朝阳  
  • 关键词:Radial,SB-5W,DI盒批发零售

    Radial SB-5W DI盒批发零售详细内容

    Radial SB-5W DI盒批发零售 立体声响尾蛇计算机放音DI直插盒 无源立体声ID盒 非平衡输入DI直插盒 无源DI直插盒 吉他DI盒 乐器直插盒 舞台系列信号转换
    这就是声海创新带给大家“Radial StageBug SB-5W Wall-mount Stereo Direct Box ”的介绍。如果想了解多产品价格可以点击查看产品请点击全部商品分类. 承接多功能厅、会议室、报告厅、歌舞厅、体育场馆、剧场、礼堂、酒吧、酒店、私人会所、公共广播、舞台、教室、多功能厅,以及KTV,家庭卡拉OK一切商业用途音视频灯光音响扩声系统工程。提供方案设计、安装、调试等服务。为客户量身定制具有较强现实适用性的系统解决方案,欢迎您来电咨询!了解多品牌产品请,致电咨询我们客服优惠,欢迎您来电咨询!  
    StageBug SB-5W Wall-mount Stereo Direct Box
    Passive Wall-mountable Stereo Direct Box
    The StageBug SB5W is a passive stereo direct box made to fit in a standard North American single-gang electrical wall plate, providing AV integrators with an effective means of connecting an unbalanced audio source such as a laptop, smartphone, or tablet to a balanced audio system.
    5mm and RCA inputs with level control
    Passive design, no power needed
    Contractor-friendly screw terminal outputs
    Transformer isolation to eliminate noise
    Professional sound for installation
    The StageBug SB5W provides a permanently mounted interface to connect consumer audio devices with installed pro audio systems. Front panel 3.5mm TRS and RCA connectors are provided for any stereo source and a fully variable level control makes volume adjustments easy. Inside, the SB5W employs dual transformers that convert the inputs to a low impedance balanced **, and eliminate hum and buzz caused by ground loops. Set & forget ground lift and mono switches are also included to further reduce noise and to sum the left and right channels together if needed. The outputs of the SB5W feature screw terminals with tie down points for tie-wraps to make installation fast, efficient and permanent.
    SB5W Specifications
    The Radial SB5W is a passive stereo direct box designed to interface consumer audio devices such as laptops and tablets to a professional audio system. Designed to fit a standard Decora wall plate, the SB5W features an integral design that is completely shielded to protect against external radiation. As a passive device, the SB5W presents excellent performance while providing isolation to eliminate hum and buzz caused by ground loops.
    Audio circuit type: Passive transformer isolated
    Frequency response: 20Hz - 20kHz
    Dynamic range: >120dB
    Gain: -3dB
    Clip Level: +17dBu
    Total harmonic distortion: 0.002%
    Phase Deviation: 0° @ 100Hz; -3° @ 50Hz
    Input Impedance: Approx 10K with 100K Load
    Output Impedance: 5k Ohms
    Equivalent Input Noise: -98dBu
    Noise: -101dBu
    Maximum Input: +20dBu
    Mono Sum, Ground lift
    Input Connectors: RCA, 3.5mm TRS inputs
    Output Connectors: Screw down terminals (- G +)
    Construction: 14 gauge steel chassis & outer shell
    Size (L x W x D): 2.42" x 1,62" x 4.24" (61.4mm x 41.1mm x 107.7mm)
    Weight: 0.5 lbs (227 grams)
    Shipping size (L x W x D): 6.25" x 4.25" x 3" (159mm x 108mm x 76mm)
    Shipping weight: 0.65 lbs (295 grams)
    Power: Passive, no power required
    Conditions: For use in dry locations only between 5°C and 40°C
    Warranty: Radial 3-year, transferable

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